Sunday, August 12, 2018

First Week at Malacca


I may have been away from home since 13 years old, but I never really like to be independent. But somehow independence is the only choice I have.

Yes I quit SL1M Program. I bid goodbye to ST company. ST has been good, I love staying there. I had good foods, good place, good friends, good employers. I feel a lil bit sad leaving the place eventho I only stayed there for a month. Decision has to be made and I made my choice. For better future, insyaAllah.

I miss this delicious nasi beriani. Sedap gila!

Goodbye my friends at ST. 

Goodbye Marketing Department.

Goodbye condo house. Tak sempat mandi kolam sebab under revovation.


I’m moving to new place again. Tempat kerja yang ke-5 dan tempat tinggal ke-3 dalam tahun ini. I have no idea how I adapt myself to so much changes. To be honest, I hate changes. I hate adapting to new things, new places, new peoples. It’s like starting all over again. Urghh!

So, kali ni macam kena extra independent sebab tak pernah sampai sini pun. Sebelum ni okay je sebab revolving around KL-Selangor-Kelantan je. Now? I’m at Malacca. This time I’m gonna stay longer (maybe 2 or 3 years?)

I don’t like my new place. I have difficulties adapting to new workplace, new colleagues. I’m under stress for a week, still am. I have no one to talk, no one that can hang out with me, no one asked how was my day at home, no one to eat with me. Somehow, I learn to be independent again. This time, hard way.

F came with me on the first day. He helped me with my stuffs and walked with me around the neighborhood so I know where to buy things, where to eat. He went back to KL on the same day and left me alone. The next day, Zaty brought me to Mydin to buy some items. And guess what--this was one of the item. Rak kecik!

 It was so cheap, dalam RM16.50 kot kalau tak silap. I have no wardrobe dekat bilik baru ni, so takkan nak simpan baju bawah katil je kan. I had to buy this. Dan---kena pasang sendiri! Weh, tak pernah kot buat benda ni tapi nak suruh siapa lagi buatkan untuk I? Pandai-pandai la pasang asalkan tak senget dan boleh guna.

I'm so proud of myself! First attempt--and walla! Tak senget, screw tak terkeluar, kayu tak terbalik depan belakang dan boleh diguna dengan baik. Yeayyy! Alhamdulillah ya Allah.

Me on my first day to work. Rasa sedih gila bangun sorang, mandi, siap-siap, buat breakfast, makan sorang-sorang. Sebelum ni meriah je dengan Izah and Shira kalau pagi-pagi. Sobs, pedihnya dalam hati Tuhan je yang tahu.

On my first day tak ada apa sangat. Got my uniform, working card, went to my department straight away sebab tak ada orientation lagi. Hari pertama mengantuk sangat sampai tersengguk-sengguk. Technical advisor kesian kot tengok so dia volunteer nak bawak jalan-jalan sekitar kilang.

Petang tu, I went to Aeon sebab nak beli barang-barang sikit. Sebelum ni I went to Aeon with F masa dia teman I medical check up. Kali ni, I was alone. Dengan F haritu pun I ordered asam pedas ni. Since asam pedas ni sedap so I order la lagi kan. Tapi kalini makan sorang-sorang. Bila teringat je I am on my own now, rasa nak menitik air mata. Memang mata dah kabur sebab dah berair, cuma tahan je masatu sebab segan orang nampak. Ya Allah, sedih rupanya hidup sebatang kara ni. I thought I can handle it.

Second day punya dinner. Pun makan sorang-sorang dan perasaan sedih tu tak payah cakap la. Tapi nasi lemak ayam goreng dia murah, RM6 je! Ayam 4 ketul saiz agak besar kot. Puas hati and sambal dia pun sedap la jugak.

My first weekend--movie and pizza. Bosannye lahai takde geng.

I don’t know for how much longer I have to to be strong. I cried hard in the first week, emotionally unstable. Next week? I hope to be stronger. I hope for brighter days ahead. Please pray for me. Semoga Allah bagi kekuatan dan ketenangan hati untuk tempuh hari-hari mendatang.

Oh, I miss home. I miss my family. I miss F.

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