Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Bagai syurga.


I had a dream. 

It was so pleasant. I want to remember this dream, so I'll type it here. 

Aku mimpi,

 I'm at a garden, takde la garden sangat, what should I put it hmmm. Tak la macam garden tapi tak jugak kebun, macam satu tempat. Macam green house, ha!

It looks like this, minus the table and chairs. And flowers, just plants with leaves.

Ada tumbuhan kat situ tapi anehnya tak ada bunga, oh I love flowers and I wish they were there too. Dan tumbuhan kat situ semua berbuah. Tumbuhan kat situ ada bentuk daun yang sama so aku assumed dia tumbuhan yang sama jenis. 

Tapi, pada tumbuhan tu ada macam-macam jenis buah. There were apples, grapes, peaches, cherry, watermelon and that's all the fruit that I can remember for now. What make it magical is; they appeared only when I thought to eat them. Contohnya, bila aku terfikir "kalau ada peach kan best" and then pop! Muncul peach tiba-tiba. Dan sama dengan buah-buah lain jugak. I just have to think about them and they will appear.

The red apples, as red as the one in Snow White story.

The peaches, exactly the same colour as in my dream.

Th grapes, so sweet in my dream. Ya Allah, cannot move on from their taste.

Cherry was the most delicious, sweet, juicy fruit that I tasted in my dream.

Aku petik buah tu dan aku makan. Ya Allah, sumpah sedap. Taste sweet, smooth, perfectly ripen, juicy and they got beautiful bright colours on them. I just took a bite from each fruit and I enjoyed them. Rasa bagai di syurga. 

Puff! Tiba-tiba dah masuk scene lain. Biasala kan mimpi ada banyak scene lain-lain. 

Aku kat satu tempat, macam grass field. Rumput dia dah layu, yellowish brown. I walked thru the grass field and I found something weird, snake's skin. Saiz besar, nampak macam spesis sawa, Omg, aku nampak tulang dia. Tapi tulang dia macam, pelik. Ah, mimpi memang la semua pelik-pelik. 

Suddenly, whoosh! Ular tu muncul betul-betul depan aku, gelabah woi. Besar bapak dia, macam satu pemeluk pokok. Bila dia bukak je mulut, luas kemain. Dan ada banyak ular kecik keluar dari mulut dia, Ya Allah so disgusting but still scary tho. (I don't have any gut to search for the picture)

Then, masuk scene lain. Tapi dua scenes tu je yang aku nak cerita. 

One was so magical and another one was so terrifying. Bila aku sedar dari mimpi, entah kenapa aku fikirkan syurga dan neraka.

Macam tu ke, macam tu ke bayangan syurga dan neraka? 

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