Yeyy I’m back!
Lately, aku asyik scroll tweet makeup dekat twitter and get
very jealous dengan hakak-hakak yang rajin buat skincare routine ni. Lagi jeles
bila dorang tweet their #motd (baca: makeup of the day). They be like,
“I wear this and this and my skin glow like glowing in the
Haa giteww. Sebelum ni pun classmates aku asyik ber-pung
pang pung pang cakap pasal skincare, I mean the basic one lah. Yang cleanser,
toner, moisturiser and scrub, benda-benda macam tu. And I was like, “weh aku
kalau rajin cuci muka 2 kali sehari pakai cleanser pun dah boleh dijadikan
achievement of the day”. Pemalas betul
Then pada masa yang sama aku banyak join aktiviti, every weekend tak ada
dekat kolej. Selalu sangat berjemur bawah matahari sampaikan sunburn aku jadi
berlapis-lapis macam kuih lapis. Kulit aku masa tu sangatlah kusam dan nampak
macam orang tak sental muka setahun. So, dalam tak sedar aku muhasabah diri dengan
tahap kemalasan aku jaga muka yang semakin kronik ini. Masalah ini perlu
dibendung, yeah perlu dibendung!
Hasil muhasabah diri aku tu, sekarang my skincare routine is: cleanser, toner,
moisturiser. Twice a week aku nyahkan kulit mati dengan scrub dan pakai mask. I feel like sharing what products I'm using so let's do this!
Aku pakai cleanser Clean & Clear since secondary school
dan tak pernah tukar sampai sekarang. They should grant me with free product
selama setahun for my loyalty ahaks. Walaupun dah berlambak produk baru kat
market tapi aku setia dengan cleanser ni sebab kulit aku ok dengan brand ni,
takde jerawat dan takde masalah lain-lain. Tapi adik dorm aku pakai brand ni
dan kulit dia break out, merah-merah. So bear in mind, each product work differently on different skin.
For toner, my friend suggests toner from Simple. This toner
got no alcohol, no fragrance and got vitamins (they write these on the label and
I am naïve so I’ll just believe it hahaha). It suits all type of skin too. Most
important, it’s cheap so it’s worth to try/buy. My honest review, toner ni ok
je dengan aku sebab takde irritation or break out bila aku pakai. Lepastu kulit
aku rasa macam lembut dan anjal. Fungsi toner adalah untuk menutup pores lepas cleansing, maintain pH balance, menyegarkan kulit dan mengurangkan minyak.
For moisturiser, I use magicjelly from Lovera. Aku jumpa
produk ni masa aku jadi dropship produk ni dulu-dulu. I took a year to trust
this brand tahuuu, insecure tak insecure aku dengan produk kecantikan ni
hahaha. Actually, it’s in gel form and have natural ingredient of aloe vera and
cucumber. Aku recommend produk ni dekat korang semua yuhuuu! It absorb very fast so tak rasa melekit, smell good, multipurpose since you can apply to lips, hair, nail and
skin. I loveeeeee multipurpose product sebab boleh jimat muahaha! Lagi satu aku
suka magicjelly ni sebab rasa sejuk je bila pakai, rasa nyaman dan tak buat
kulit nampak oily macam produk lain di luar sana.
For scrub, I used St.Ives Apricot scrub. I really love this
scrub like seriously, more than I love my bae. They come in gentle, moderate
and deep types which represent how rough the scrub is. Mine is deep sebab I
believe it will go deep in my skin and clean all the alien on my face. The
scrub works very well on me, wangi, rasa kulit sangat lembut selepas scrub
muka. My sister like it too. Fungsi scrub adalah untuk buang sel kulit mati.
Bila dah buang kulit mati, kulit akan bersih, nampak berseri sikit dan berguna
jugak untuk hilangkan sunburn. It’s oil free, sulphate free, paraben free but
the price cannot be free bebeh. But it’s affordable, if not affordable I won’t
buy it. I’m kedekut like that okay.
My mask is from Kose. I bought it from Japan and it come in
30 sheets. I’m not sure the price at Malaysia but it was quite cheap when I
bought this. Bila pakai mask ni, rasa sangat lega sebab rasa sejuk je macam
baru lepas keluar dari peti ais. Smell nice too. Lepas pakai mask, I tend to
leave my skin macam tu je sebab rasa moist ala-ala Korean hahaha.
I think that’s all about my skincare routine. Rasa nak
update pasal skincare, so biaq pi la kan. Sharing is caring. Di sini aku nak
menyeru wanita sekalian supaya jaga kulit muka elok-elok. You’ll use it for a
long time and I’m sure everyone of you want to look awet muda. Kan? So take
care, jangan malas-malas. You only get things that you work for.
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