Tuesday, April 24, 2018

My Peach's Birthday


I have so many things to put in my blog but time is very limited. Most of my time is spent on reading Detective Conan comic online, preparing food for work (my break is too short to go buy something), applying job and resting. Since today is my off day, so let's do this!

I don't have many close friend but when I do, most of them are my secondary school's friends. I literally grew up with them since 13 years old. They are the crazy bunches who never fails to make me giggle every time we see each other. I mean, the real laugh and giggle that make my stomach hurt and cramp. One of the crazy bunches is Chewy or Peach.

Last week is Chewy's birthday. I actually forgot her birth date because I'm bad at remembering birth date, so thank you Facebook and twitter for your existence. It was a double celebration for her since she is celebrating her graduation too. Unfortunately, I'm working on the graduation day and can't make it to be there with her.

The only photo of her that I have from her instagram. Congratulations Chewy, so proud of you!

Yuni and I were thinking on how we're gonna celebrate her special days. All three of us have different working time and off day. Adult problem, duh! We were planning to make a chocolate+flower bouquet for graduation gift and treat her at any food place for birthday treat OR maybe just hanging out at home and having three packet of Maggie curry and a bottle of large Coke, just like old day at school. We bought her some face masks and hand cream for her birthday present just because you know, wrinkles might appear at the age of 24. Ever heard of aging?

We finally got time to spend together when Chewy took a day off work. She got overly stress with work, pity my peach. I guess aging will get to her faster then.

Birthday girl picked me up at my house and we went to Yuni's house together. Yuni was waiting for us to go for breakfast. We gave her flower and present straight away, no surprise at all. Adult problem, lack of creativity and enthusiasm, duh! Deep in our heart, we know all of us are happy and glad to see each other to celebrate one us getting wrinkles soon.

One of our proper picture together. You have no idea how many improper pictures we got ourselves with. We just can't pose elegantly for photo, there will always giggling and rolling on the floor first. 

One of the improper photo. There will always someone with blur face for moving and giggling too hard. Someone with open mouth for saying something to laugh at or maybe she's trying to make us stop laughing and start taking good photo. 

I think our bouquet is not that bad. Very cheap one because we use fake flower bhahaha. Chewy better keep it for the rest of her life. Flower bouquet for booking, anyone? hahahaha

The aftermath, me and Yuni with worried face after getting broke when it's not even the middle of the month yet. Adult problem too. Someone is happy showing off her present. 

After finished taking tons of photo, we finally went for breakfast at almost 12 pm. Ordered five menu for just the three of us. We finished everything in just 23 minutes guys. Not graceful at all, these monsters. 

Yuni and I had to go to work afterwards and we meet again at night after working. This time we had dinner at McDonald. We can get food and cake at the same place, don't have to go to two places. Adult problem, gets tired easily.

We end the day with sleepover at Yuni's house. But yeah, adult problem number-loss count, have to sleep early for work on the next day. So there's no heart to heart session and everything, just clean ourselves, getting comfortable in our clothes, find that right spot to sleep and then doze off to dreamland. No more stay up late with Maggie until azan Subuh. 

Despite all of the adult problems, we know we had good time together. We will always be there for each other through one wrinkle, two wrinkles, ten wrinkles and to many more wrinkles. Happy birthday Chewy and congratulations for your graduation. We love you.

Cherry and Janes.

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