Tuesday, December 26, 2017

2017 Highlight



Definitely a year with wonderful ups and downs. I was living the best and the worst life at the same time. Alhamdulillah for the great things and nauzubillah for the bad things to never ever happen again.

Highlight of 2017:

๐Ÿฅ€Short breakup. Pehhh, typing it already give me a heavy feeling in the stomach, heart and brain. It was during early of 2017, I don't know how to recall it because the pain was unbearable. I had difficulty to live a normal life, crying most of the time, can't even sleep, didn't feel like talking, felt pain to even breath, having nightmares and all the worst thoughts in my mind.

I really wish no one has to go through heart break, not even to my enemy. The pain is too much. But yeah, you will get over it eventually. And in my case, we got back together. For the best, I hope.

๐ŸŒธ I complete my degree study. Of course this is the best thing ever happened to me in 2017. After 4 years of struggle and great moments, I finally a graduate engineer in chemical process engineering. It was tough but nothing impossible. If there's a will, there's a way. Never give up, keep moving. Mama and papa was there during my convocation <3

๐ŸŒธ Went to Jogjakarta with my favourite girls at university. I was having fun during the whole trip! We went to a few majestic and beautiful places, eating Indonesian dishes, enjoying avocado smoothie (ya Allah sedapnyaaaa), meet handsome British accent speaking worker at the hostel (lol!) and sharing laugh-till-your-stomach-hurt moments.

๐ŸŒธ Trying snorkelling! It was on my to do list for 2017 and glad I did it. Went for a day trip to Perhentian Island with my high school friends. Snorkelling is fun! I'll do it again for sure. The underwater view was spectacular and subhanallah very beautiful. And I love sea ❤️❤️❤️

๐ŸŒธGirls trip! We planned to go for the trip almost every year but never find a good timing to do so. Alhamdulillah this year we got the chance to go for a trip to at Bukit Keluang and had some girls time together.

๐ŸŒธ Attended Kuala Lumpur Para Sea Games with Chewy. I treasure this moment very much because this international event didn't happen every year. I was blessed to be able to watch amazing performance by Yuna and others. The fireworks was amazing and couldn't help but felt very proud of Malaysia. #BangkitBersama

๐ŸŒธ Welcoming Annur Qaseh to the family! My latest edition nieces hahaha. Cutie little baby sleep all the time when I visited her. Geramm!

๐ŸŒธ I don't know why but I want to highlight this too--went for a few interviews, lol. Eventho I was unable to get a job yet (please pray for me to get a good job soon), but I really appreciate the opportunities to attend the interviews. Being shortlisted by the company was already a huge steps for me as a fresh graduate. I won't give up and I will always make an effort to get a job. My time will come, InsyaAllah.

I think that's all la kot to be highlighted for 2017. Of course a lot of things happened to me throughout the year but alhamdulillah I'm still alive and healthy. Fabi ayyi ala irobbikuma tukazziban?

InsyaAllah the bad things happened for a reason, teach me to be wiser and better. And for all of the good things--alhamdulillah I am blessed, very grateful and wish everyone to experience the best things in their life too.

I thought I can type my new year resolution for 2018 in this entry--but on second thought, I will do it next time je ok?

Wishing you all of the best things for the last few days of 2017 ๐Ÿ’•

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